Port Master Plan 2040
- The Newcastle Container Terminal in Mayfield;
- The Newcastle Bulk Terminal in Walsh Point;
- A specialised Automotive and Ro-Ro Hub;
- Supporting the Maritime Precinct in Carrington;
- Construction of the Newcastle Cruise Terminal in Carrington; and
- The continuation and growth of major bulk trades including coal, fuel, fertiliser, wheat and mineral concentrates.
Why is Port of Newcastle publishing a Master Plan?
The Port Master Plan 2040 outlines the Port’s strategic development opportunities for the next twenty years.
It recognises the limitations of shorter term planning and reflects the transformational projects and opportunities that are currently being planned by Port of Newcastle. The publication of a long-term Master Plan will create economic value through increased industry and investment confidence, being both visible and strategic.
As the Lessee of the Port lands, Port of Newcastle is required to prepare a development plan to assist the State, Government Agencies, and the local community to understand its intentions in relation to the development of the Port. The Port Master Plan 2040 will meet this Lease requirement.
What is the Port of Newcastle's long term vision for the future?
Our vision is for the Port of Newcastle to become Australia’s first-choice East Coast port, able to accommodate, attract and grow a diverse trade base in an efficient, sustainable, profitable and innovative manner.
To achieve this vision, the Port Master Port 2040 provides a broad and strategic approach, identifying future developments and opportunities. The following goals identified in Port Master Plan underpin this approach:
- Promote the capacity of the Port and the supply chain to support the economy
- Utilise existing road and rail transport assets to improve freight efficiency
- Facilitate new trades and supply chains
- Support the development of new facilities and enabling infrastructure
- Protect the Port and transport corridors from urban encroachment
How was the plan developed?
Considering the rapid changes in technology and industry-wide innovation currently underway, planning for a 20-year vision was a challenging exercise. In developing the Port Master Plan 2040, the Port was intentional about speaking with its customers, stakeholders, partners, and our community through the Community Liaison Group.
To support the plan and supplement our in-house knowledge we also commissioned specialised reports and undertook modelling.
What are the development opportunities identified in the Master Plan?
The key strategic development opportunities identified in the Port Master Plan 2040 include:
- The Newcastle Multi-purpose Deepwater Terminal (Newcastle Container Terminal) in Mayfield;
- The Newcastle Bulk Terminal in Walsh Point;
- A specialised Automotive and Ro-Ro Hub; and
- Supporting the Maritime Precinct in Carrington.
How will the Port accommodate the predicted increase in trade?
The Port Master Plan 2040 identifies trade growth scenarios and demonstrates how growth can be accommodated with existing capacity of the Port including the Channel and Port land, and transport infrastructure including road and rail corridors, without the need for substantial investment or additional infrastructure.
How will the Plan balance environmental and social impacts of Port operations?
Port of Newcastle recognises its responsibility to manage the Port in a way that minimises its impacts on the local environment and is committed to adopting sustainable practices.
The Port Master Plan 2040 identifies the important biophysical context in which we operate, and the range of measures adopted by the Port to proactively manage this interface.
What will be the process for reviewing and ensuring the Plan remains relevant?
Port of Newcastle will actively review the Port Master Plan 2040 on a periodic basis to ensure that the five goals underpinning the Plan are relevant and continue to be met
What are the factors for success and how will it be measured?
Our success will be seen by what we deliver on the ground.
As the custodians of the Port into the next century, we are committed to working with the New South Wales Government, our partners and the community to ensure that the Port can continue to grow and diversify its trade base, deliver sustainable port development and provide economic benefits to the Hunter Region, New South Wales and Australia.
Will the Port provide progress updates on the implementation of the Plan?
Yes. Port of Newcastle will provide updates on the implementation of the Plan and progress of key projects via its website and various communication channels.
The Port Master Plan identifies the development of the Newcastle Cruise Terminal as a key strategic development opportunity for the Port. What has happened to the Newcastle Cruise Terminal Project and will it go ahead in the future?
The NSW Government allocated $12.7 million in 2016 to build a new cruise terminal in Newcastle. It was announced in April 2019 that this Infrastructure NSW funding was no longer available.
While unable to proceed with the project, our consultations with the cruise industry were beneficial in better understanding its needs and ensuring that the design of any future infrastructure will be well-informed. Port of Newcastle continues to support the Hunter’s tourism sector by berthing cruise ships in port and facilitating transit visits for more than 27,000 passengers each year.