Corporate Governance
Find out more about Port of Newcastle’s Board and Executive Leadership Team
Modern Slavery
Port of Newcastle screens all suppliers for modern slavery risks. Our procurement policy is aligned to the requirements under the Modern Slavery Act 2018, which promotes the provision of safe, fair and equitable work conditions for employees and suppliers.
Our Commitment
The Port of Newcastle is fully committed to ensuring that we have an effective and measurable approach to preventing and combatting Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in our business and supply chains. As an ethical business, we are committed to managing and mitigating modern slavery and other human rights risks and protecting local and global communities.
We know as a major purchaser of goods and services that the action we take, together with our suppliers, can significantly help mitigate the risk of modern slavery and help protect fundamental human rights. Port of Newcastle is committed to having an effective and measurable approach to preventing and avoiding modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains.
View Port of Newcastle’s Modern Slavery Statement. The Port of Newcastle’s Open Access Terms require operators to agree and comply with Modern Slavery Law.
How you can help
If you feel you have spotted an instance of modern slavery on a ship or on Port land, please email Port of Newcastle via or via our Whistleblower Policy, how to make a disclosure:
Any officer of Port of Newcastle, but in particular:
Email, phone or directly speak to:- Port of Newcastle’s CEO; and
an Executive Manager of Port of Newcastle
- Integrity Counts Hotline
Phone: 1800 263 215
Fax: 1-604-926-5668
Address: PO Box 91880 West Vancouver, BC V7V 4S4 Canada
To a Regulator
- Australian Securities & Investments Commission - Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
Australian Taxation Office
Reports can be made by:
- Using the ATO app
- Using the tip-off form to make a disclosure to the ATO
- Calling 1800 060 062
- Sending a letter marked ‘in confidence’ to:
Australian Taxation Office
Tax Integrity Centre
Locked Bag 6050
Dandenong VIC 3175
- Port of Newcastle’s CEO; and
Further Information & Resources
For further information on Modern slavery and links to government agencies and resources, please see:
Information on modern slavery
- Hope for Justice – spot spot the signs of modern slavery
- UN global compact – Modern Slavery within Maritime supply chains
Sustainable Finance
Read our Sustainability Financing Framework
DNV Business Assurance Australia – Second Party Opinion
Anti-Fraud and Corruption
Port of Newcastle is committed to promoting the highest standards of ethical behaviour and accountable conduct. We view any incidents of fraud and corruption as a serious threat to our business and we are committed to combating such threats by taking firm steps to protect our people, our finances and our property.
View Port of Newcastle’s Fraud & Corruption Policy