Schedule of Service Charges

The fees and charges set out in the Schedule of Service Charges will apply to the Vessel’s visit to the Port (except to the extent varied in any Special Conditions signed by the parties).

Port of Newcastle reserves the right to vary any fee or charge specified in the Schedule of Service Charges from time to time (including implementing any new charge). Port of Newcastle will provide prior notice of any such variations by publishing details of the proposed variations, including the date the variations will take effect, on this web page at least 10 business days before the variations will take effect.

Vessel Operators and their Agents should monitor this section of our website for details of any proposed variations to the Schedule of Service Charges.

A Master’s Declaration must be submitted for a Vessel on each proposed inward bound visit to the Port. The Master’s Declaration can be accessed via registered shipping agents via Oneport through the Port Authority of NSW website.

Terms and condition of entry to and use of the port are found on the Vessel Open Access Terms page.
