
Please select the required form:

Group Access Approval FORM
Filming and Photography Approval Form

Group Access Approval

Port of Newcastle requests that all tenants or licensees requiring a group of persons to access a Port of Newcastle site for operational reasons gain approval for access prior to the group being permitted on site.

Tour Groups (e.g. tender meetings, school groups, customer tours etc.) on Port of Newcastle managed sites must be authorised and communicated to the relevant personnel and/or licensees on site.

This ensures the activity is managed according to Port of Newcastle’s safety requirements and legislative obligations.

The required form must be submitted at least three working days prior to the tour.

Tour organiser will also be required to provide a full list of tour group attendees to Port of Newcastle prior to the tour. 

Contact your Port of Newcastle representative to request the Guarding Request Form.

Guarding Request

Any operations required by tenants or licensees to be undertaken outside the normal operating hours / conditions of each berth, will require additional security guards to be implemented.

Additional guarding costs will be charged back to the company making the request. Rates will be provided on request and are subject to change. All guarding requests must be submitted using the form below and sent to Port of Newcastle 48 hours prior to required commencement time.

Guarding Request Form

Filming and Photography Approval

All photographic activity on Port of Newcastle managed sites must be authorised and communicated to the relevant personnel and / or licensees on site. This ensures the activity is managed safely and prevents unnecessary reporting of suspicious activity to police.

Port of Newcastle requests that an Approval Form be submitted prior to any filming or photography being conducted.

All other filming and photography requests, including media requests, should be directed to Port of Newcastle’s Corporate Affairs team via +61 2 4908 8200.

Filming and Photography Approval Form
