Port Development Plan 2023 – 2028

As a global gateway for New South Wales, the Port of Newcastle enjoys significant competitive advantages. It is already a major seaport with connectivity to a world-class national rail and heavy vehicle road system, a shipping channel that is currently only operating at 50% capacity and supported by developable, vacant portside land.

To this end, the Port of Newcastle has embarked on an ambitious diversification strategy. Whilst coal exports provide a stable foundation for our growth, we are driven by the need to grow and diversify our trade base to meet the demands of our customers and the containerisation of some trades.

This Port Development Plan 2023 – 2028 outlines the key strategic development opportunities for the Port and the broader region, including:

  • The Newcastle Deepwater Container Terminal;
  • The Port of Newcastle Clean Energy Precinct;
  • A specialised automotive and Ro-Ro Hub;
  • Increasing the productivity of berths across the Bulk Services Precinct;
  • The continuation and growth of major bulk trades including coal, fuel, fertiliser, wheat and mineral concentrates.

We are dedicated to operating a safe, sustainable, environmentally and socially responsible business in partnership with our tenants, port users, community and Government agencies.

The Port Development Plan provides a high-level overview of the Port’s priorities over the next five years for the planning, development, and management of its assets. The plan also articulates the anticipated challenges that the Port will face in the short-term; the opportunities for commerce, trade, and business growth; and the strategies to grow its role as a global trade gateway for the region and the state.
